The Amrita Accelerated Learning Program [ALP] Application has been launched by the Amrita Center for Research in Analytics, Technologies & Education (Amrita CREATE), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala, India.ALP is a research-based English learning program designed for K-1 students to achieve proficiency in English Reading as outlined in SDG 4.1.1, through a leveled reading program with books that are culturally relevant for India, enhanced with digital teaching aids.The app consists of the following features:· Two modes- Teacher Mode and Student Mode.· Levelled Books currently from Level aa to Level H· Teacher Assessment for Comprehension, Accuracy and Fluency· Student Mode unlocks as the student clears each level· Activities for students· Teacher evaluation portalThe Accelerated Learning Program Application can be used upon registration by primary-level teachers in conjunction with the ALP pedagogy for English Reading and Writing.